Friday, May 31, 2019
The Philosophy of Teaching According to Dave :: Educationg Educating Teaching Papers
The Philosophy of Teaching According to Dave Still very much in the developmental stage, the mere thought of a philosophical idea creates a shiver. Older and more worldly than most students, experienced seems to fall short when describing cultural diversity. Thinking inside the box is bonny hard to do conventional falls short of my teaching platform. The platform needs to consist of more than what exists in the confines of books. Besides the eclectic liquify of essentialism, and behaviorism, the underlining progressivism will be ever present. A history major, I believe there is more than what can be read in a book. The expressions, vexation and theatrics bonnie do not exist between the covers of textbooks. Teaching history from a book falls short of telling the story. It is full of epics, and lessons not just dates to learn. It is those lessons that our youth is lacking. The most concerning thing in todays schools is the lack of respect, for the te acher as well as the institution they represent. We live in a new world full of true stories, not in the Beaver Cleaver world of perfection. Youth is wasted in the pursuit of a duel household reality. A parent at home to instruct morality is increasingly becoming non-existent. Children are going through life with out mentors and moot models, except for what they see in the media. The belief that education should involve the whole child is not lost here. I believe that an open line of communication must exist between the student and the teacher. I do not believe in labels and stigmatisms that cubby hole any child. We as educators have a plethora of resources at our disposal to impart, at the same time remaining the all-important professional. Our job as teacher is not just to regurgitate facts but also to communicate their importance and value to the student and their life. It is said that a child will learn all they need to know to survive caller before the age of seven. I do realize that the need for the basics is beyond reproach.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Shakespeares Hamlet - King Claudius :: GCSE English Literature Coursework
Hamlets mogul Claudius Salvador de Madariaga in Rosencrantz and Guildenstern discusses from Shakespeares Hamlet Claudius family relationship with the two emissaries and friends of Hamlet, who were escorting the prince to his execution in England The two young men receive from the world power a commission which, whatever the Kings secret intentions may be, is honorable. Hamlet, the King in feature tells them, is not what he was. The cause of the change I cannot dream of. Therefore, I beg you so by your companies To draw him on to pleasures, and to gather So much as from occasion you may glean Whether aught to us unknown afflicts him thus That receptive lies within our remedy. (n. pag.) Is Madariaga correct in saying that Rosencrantz and Guildenstern were innocent pawns in the hands of a cunning king? This essay intends to present other critical points of get word on this and other questions concerning the case of King Claudius. The drama opens after Hamlet has just retu rned from Wittenberg, England, where he has been a student. What brought him home was the news of his fathers decease and his fathers brothers quick accession to the throne of Denmark. Philip Burton in Hamlet discusses Claudius sudden rise to the Danish throne upon the death of King Hamlet I The fact that Claudius has become king is not really surprising. Only late in the play does Hamlet complain that his uncle had popped in amongst the election and my hopes. The country had been in a nervous state expecting an invasion by young Fortinbras, at the head of a lawless band of adventurers, in revenge for his fathers death at the hands of King Hamlet. A strong new king was forthwith needed the election of Claudius, in particular in the absence of Hamlet, was inevitable. What is more, it was immediately justified, because Claudius manages to dispel the threat of invasion by appealing to the King of Norway to curb his nephew, Fortinbras the ambitious young soldier was the more crea te to cancel the projected invasion because the object of his revenge, Hamlets father, was now dead, and in return he received free passage through Denmark to troth against Poland. (n. pag.) G. Wilson Knight in The Embassy of expiry also interprets the character of Claudius as less guilty than he appears to most critics Shakespeares Hamlet - King Claudius GCSE English Literature CourseworkHamlets King Claudius Salvador de Madariaga in Rosencrantz and Guildenstern discusses from Shakespeares Hamlet Claudius relationship with the two emissaries and friends of Hamlet, who were escorting the prince to his execution in England The two young men receive from the King a commission which, whatever the Kings secret intentions may be, is honorable. Hamlet, the King in fact tells them, is not what he was. The cause of the change I cannot dream of. Therefore, I beg you so by your companies To draw him on to pleasures, and to gather So much as from occasion you may glean Whether aught to us unknown afflicts him thus That opened lies within our remedy. (n. pag.) Is Madariaga correct in saying that Rosencrantz and Guildenstern were innocent pawns in the hands of a cunning king? This essay intends to present other critical points of view on this and other questions concerning the character of King Claudius. The drama opens after Hamlet has just returned from Wittenberg, England, where he has been a student. What brought him home was the news of his fathers death and his fathers brothers quick accession to the throne of Denmark. Philip Burton in Hamlet discusses Claudius sudden rise to the Danish throne upon the death of King Hamlet I The fact that Claudius has become king is not really surprising. Only late in the play does Hamlet complain that his uncle had popped in between the election and my hopes. The country had been in a nervous state expecting an invasion by young Fortinbras, at the head of a lawless band of adventurers, in revenge for his fathers death at the hands of King Hamlet. A strong new king was immediately needed the election of Claudius, particularly in the absence of Hamlet, was inevitable. What is more, it was immediately justified, because Claudius manages to dispel the threat of invasion by appealing to the King of Norway to curb his nephew, Fortinbras the ambitious young soldier was the more ready to cancel the projected invasion because the object of his revenge, Hamlets father, was now dead, and in return he received free passage through Denmark to fight against Poland. (n. pag.) G. Wilson Knight in The Embassy of Death also interprets the character of Claudius as less guilty than he appears to most critics
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
George Balanchine Essay -- Choreographer Art Ballet Essays
George BalanchineIf composers are the see to its of time, then the choreographer George Balanchine is the master of visual realization of that time in human terms. A master in both the kinesthetic and musical frames of creativity, he did non devote his energies to music visualization by assigning a certain number of dancers to take on strings, others the brass, and still others woodwinds or percussion but by creating a visual analogy in space that restates the musical structure with the trained dancers body. He claimed that Ballet... should not be an illustrator of even...the most substantive of literary sources. It will speak for itself. The ballet is flowers, beauty, poetry...I am, if you please, an advocate of pure art. Balanchines most intense desire was to make audiences see music and hear dancing.Georgi Melitonovitch Balanchivadze was born the second of three children to Meliton Balanchivadze and his wife Marie on January 22,1904 in the village of Banodzha in western Georgi a. His older sister was named Tamara and his younger brother, Andrei. Georgi was a very reserved child and never showed his emotions. When he was punished he would hide, afraid someone would see him crying. When translated, balanchivadze means jesters son, which always amused Balanchine because his father was a singer and composer, and his mother was a pianist who encouraged the musical development of her children. When Meliton was home from his many tours and study trips he would teach the children to sing, and all three of them took sonant lessons. At parties Andrei and Tamara would often dance for the guests but Georgi refused because he hated anything to do with dance and performance.When she reached the official age for admitt... ... companies perform at least one Balanchine work. Upon his death, it was indite in the New York Review of Books that George Balanchine liked to say, quoting Mayakovsky, I am not a man, but a cloud in trousers. And now that luminous cloud has floa ted off, leave us with a loss far deeper than the grave.Works CitedA Ballet Society Book. Portraits of Mr. B Photographs of George Balanchine. New York The Viking Press, 1984.Buckle, Richard. George Balanchine Ballet Master. New York Random House, 1988.Flatow, Sheryl. The Balanchine Trust guardian of the Legacy. Dance Magazine. December 1990, p 58-61.McDonagh, Don. George Balanchine. Boston Twayne Publishers, 1983.Reynolds, Nancy. Balanchine in the USSR Cultural Revelation. Dance Magazine. January 1994, p 88-90.Taper, Bernard. Balanchine A Biography. New York Times Books, 1984.
Making the Corps :: Essays Papers
Making the Corps As a Wall Street Journal Pentagon correspondent, Thomas E. Ricks is one of Americas elite military journalists. He has been nominated for a Pulitzer Prize and awarded a Society of Professional Journalists Award for his writings based on the Marines. Thomas E. Ricks lectures to military officers and was a member of Harvard Universitys Senior Advisory Council on the project on U.S. Civil-Military Relations. As a Pentagon correspondent, he tummy access information where no other civilian can step foottraveling with soldiers abroad, his eyes tell the tale of the life of a Marine. On December of 1992, U.S. troops landed in Somalia. It was Thomas E. Ricks introductory deployment as a Pentagon Reporter. Opening the beginning chapter, he speaks of his first-hand experience he encountered while traveling with a squad from Alpha Company of the 1st plurality of the 7th Marines. Exceptionally qualified, his work on Making The Corps was cited by Thomas E. Ric ks himself. Few events were videotaped, and some related by several participants and observers. Thoughts of Platoon 3086 and military documentations, such(prenominal) as Recruit Incident Reports and Recruit Evaluation Cards, were used as well to get an inside feel of the way recruits and Drill Instructors try Boot Camp. Why did he pick the Marines as his topic? Attracted to the Corps perception and morale, Thomas E. Ricks expresses the Marines as the only service still upholding its honor and tradition. cod to society changing into a commercial society with a me attitude, civilians focus on how they can splendor themselves with material itemsnever looking big throw at all that we can accomplish as a team if we give our heart and soul in life. Team meaning everyone on earth, for we ar the people that provide for one another with peace and prosperity. As a Marine, it is imperative to have leadership skills along with being capable to work with others. This take was writ ten to enhance the readers mentality of how the Marines operate. It informs those who are looking into the service, and provides an in depth look into the trials and tribulations it has been throughas well as conquered. This bind substantially explains the vigorous training platoon 3086 went through in order to earn the title of being a Marine.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
A Smoother Transition for Transexuals Essays -- Transexual Surgery
A Smoother Transition for TransexualsKnown to many as the brave out hurdle transsexuals have to face before they can gain access to sex reassignment surgery, the Real life experience (RLE), sometimes called real life assay (RLT), is a process where the subject lives in their preferred gender role for a certain amount of time. Despite how many transsexuals see the RLE as an prospect to match their outer appearance with their inner feelings, they sometimes overlook the challenges they may face before getting what they want. The expenses of buying a whole new lifestyle, the ablaze drainage they are likely to face, and the periods of physical pain in hormonal change and cosmetic surgery are main issues that sometimes go unnoted by those considering the RLE. The time spent as their preferred gender is expected to demonstrate that they can function in the preferred role. 1Since 1979, the RLE has been part of the Standards of Care develop by the Harry Benjamin International Gender Dys phoria Association (HBIGDA). Standards of Care created its sixth version in 1998 to further share the most current opinion of professionals of gender identity disorders 2. The test is said to have originated from a 1974 pamphlet created by Reed Erickson, a wealthy female-to-male transsexual with the help of his personal doctor, jam Lorio. Lorio suggested that Erickson undergo a six month to two year trial period as a male, thus developing the idea of the RLE 3.The purpose of RLE, as believed by many clinicians, is necessary to prevent regret after surgery. HBIGDA is trying to balance the risks of achieving surgery too early in the transition process and the risks of delaying requisite treatment. In the beginning, the HBIGDA Standa... ... liberating for some transgender individuals, many fail to consider other factors that come before reaching this goal. From the costly expenses such as a new insistence and surgery, to facing physical and mental pain, many look towards gaining t he end result rather than regarding the steps to getting there. However, because of the RLE they find out early on if release through with the transformation is worth their time, money, and sacrifice.WORKS CITEDWebsites1) http// http// http// http// Articles5) http// http//
A Smoother Transition for Transexuals Essays -- Transexual Surgery
A Smoother Transition for TransexualsKnown to many as the last hurdle transsexuals present to face before they scum bag gain access to sex reassignment surgery, the Real life experience (RLE), sometimes called real life test (RLT), is a process where the subject lives in their favored gender role for a certain amount of time. Despite how many transsexuals see the RLE as an opportunity to match their outer appearance with their inner feelings, they sometimes over odour the challenges they may face before getting what they want. The expenses of buying a whole new lifestyle, the emotional drainage they are likely to face, and the periods of physical bruise in hormonal change and cosmetic surgery are main issues that sometimes go unnoticed by those interpreting the RLE. The time spent as their pet gender is expected to demonstrate that they can function in the preferred role. 1Since 1979, the RLE has been part of the Standards of Care developed by the Harry Benjamin International gender Dysphoria Association (HBIGDA). Standards of Care created its sixth version in 1998 to further share the most current thinking of professionals of gender identity disorders 2. The test is s attend to have originated from a 1974 pamphlet created by Reed Erickson, a wealthy female-to-male transsexual with the help of his personal doctor, James Lorio. Lorio suggested that Erickson undergo a six month to ii year trial period as a male, thus developing the idea of the RLE 3.The purpose of RLE, as believed by many clinicians, is necessary to prevent wo after surgery. HBIGDA is trying to balance the risks of achieving surgery too early in the transition process and the risks of delaying needed treatment. In the beginning, the HBIGDA Standa... ... liberating for some transgender individuals, many fail to consider other factors that come before reaching this goal. From the costly expenses such as a new wardrobe and surgery, to facing physical and mental pain, many look towards gain ing the end result rather than regarding the steps to getting there. However, because of the RLE they find out early on if going through with the transformation is worth their time, money, and sacrifice.WORKS CITEDWebsites1) http// http// http// http// Articles5) http// http//
Monday, May 27, 2019
Who Was to Blame for the Cuban Missile Crissis
Who was to blame for the Cuban missile crisis? The U. S had part of this crisis as they overreacted to the fact that the U. S. S. R was importing missiles into Cuba. They do Cuba tense because they tried to invade Cuba twice. The Cubans needed and helper and the U. S. S. R were there to help. If the U. S didnt try to invade Cuba then it wouldnt cause so much tension thus the crisis not happening. Also if they contributent set up a viewpoint in Turkey then this wouldnt have led the Russians to put missiles in Cuba. Over-reacted to situation and led to escalation of conflict. The U.S wanted to help Cuban exiles to overthrow the Castro government (which was hostile to USA). CIA under President Eisenhower had seek to help the anti-Castro rebels to overthrow the regime. Organised Operation Zapata that was carried out on 17th April 1961. Failed miserably. the States followed this with Operation Mongoose which aimed to destabilise Cuba through acts of sabotage, economical state of wa rfare through trade stoppage on Cuban imports, increasing Cubans diplomatic isolation through its expulsion from the Organisation of American States and simulating military exercises (code named Ortsac) aimed at toppling an imaginary dictator. Edwards, 2002 127-8). America was trying to topple Castro through isolating Cuba, and in doing so, increased the hostility of the Castro regime against the USA and accentuated the fear of invasion, thereby prompting Castro to turn to Moscow for help to defend Cuba from America. (Because Castro was aware that Cuba could not possibly defend herself against America. ) (Edwards 2002 126, 128) The U. S. S. R is in like manner to blame as they were taking advantage of the fact that Cuba was close to the U. S. This creates tension for the U.S as this poses a threat to their protective covering. This act made the U. S feel threatened thus taking action. Should not have gotten involved with Cuba? Feb 1960 Extended $100 billion worth of credits to C uba. (Edwards, 2002 125) May 1962 USSR deployed regiments and weapons to Cuba, including nuclear cruise missiles and mid-range ballistic missiles that could strike targets in USAs interior. Had stationed 40,000 military personnel in Cuba. This was an indication of economic expansion into an area that ranked high on Americas defence priority.Sponsorship of Castros regime and subsequent creation of a de-facto military base in Cuba appeared to be a deliberate affront to Americas national security. Cubas strategic importance to America can be likened to Polands importance to USSR. Transporting of military aid (especially missiles) to Cuba thus escalated a crisis between 2 neighbouring countries into a Cold War issue that threatened World peace. Cuba can also be blamed, they got paranoid over the U.S invasion so they used one of the powerful countries to guarantee its safety. If they werent as paranoid Manipulated super-power politics to guarantee security of borders and to legitimise th e new Castro regime . E. g. Turned to USSR for economic and military help, so that it would not have to play the role of a submissive little fellow to America. Castro Moscow is our brain and our great leader. By using USSR as a counter-weight to USA, Cuba was shrewdly manipulating super-power politics for its own advantage.Castro was aware that Cubas distance from Moscow meant that it would be given a large measure of independence from Moscow, as opposed to the tight leash that it would be kept on had they decided to concede to American superiority. Therefore, the escalation of conflict was to some extent orchestrated by Cuba for her own benefit, as it meant that she would not have to fight the American behemoth on her own, but had USSRs backing. Consequences to missile Cuban crisis-) Led to a thaw in USA-USSR relations, as both parties were aware that their rivalry had almost led to an all-out nuclear war (mutually-assured destruction).Establishment of direct hotline from Washing ton White House to Kremlin to facilitate high level discussion between leaders of the 2 countries so as to help remove tensions. (20th June 1963)Signing of the nuclear test-ban treaty (June 1963). Both countries agreed to cease atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons. But underground testing was still permitted. However, take note that although the Cuban Missile Crisis ended, US hostility towards Cuban regime continued, even though Kennedy briefly explored the option of negotiating with Castro via unofficial channels.Resumption of Operation Mongoose June 1963. Acts of economic sabotage organised by CIA. Plans to assassinate Castro (Operation Condor) remained in place. Therefore, this shows clearly that it was USSRs involvement that made the conflict between Cuba and USA escalate into the Cuban Missile Crisis in the first place, collectible to USSRs provision of missiles to Cuba. Without USSRs involvement, it would have remained a conflict between America and Cuba. USSR, USA and Cub a all had a part to play in the utbreak of the Cuban Missile Crisis, but it was USA who first over-reacted to the threat posed by a leftist regime in Cuba, and had created a self-fulfilling prophecy by taking unjustified pre-emptive strikes such as Operation Zapata and Mongoose that scared Cuba into thinking that her national security was threatened, and thus made her turn to USSR as a strong adherent in order to secure her own security. Thus USA was chiefly to blame as she tried to secure her national interest at the expenditure of other nations, and thus led to the escalation of tensions as nations sought to secure their self-interest by scaring the other into retreat.Had USA not over-reacted, a peaceful compromise could have been achieved earlier and the scare that was the Cuban Missile Crisis could have been averted. Moreover, USSRs delving into the conflict was also partly in response to previous US stationing of Jupiter missiles in Turkey, which had basically held USSR at g un-point, thus USSRs decision to place missiles in Cuba was justified as it was trying to make USA understand the peril of being move at gun-point. Therefore, I disagree with the above statement, as USA, more than USSR was to blame for the outbreak of the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Changing Self Essay Essay
How do composers use texts to explore concepts of Changing Self? Discuss ideas and techniques.In Gwen Harwoods poems Prize-Giving and The candy Jar, the prescribed text Sky-High, and the novel White Teeth by Zadie Smith, the composer have used many varying ideas and techniques to investigate and illustrate concepts of Changing Self effectively. The ideas looked at in Gwen Harwoods poetry include resource, memory, metaphor, and inversion of the connotation of adjectives. Ideas conveyed in Sky-High include imagery, retrospect, and comparison. The techniques and ideas in White Teeth, to name the most important, are eagle-eyed and erratic chronology, removing characters for a period and the exposing of the least important spay are evident in the texts that are compared.In Gwen Harwoods poem Prize-Giving, the composer has adeptly used imagery to examine and represent the Changing Self evident in this poem. This striking imagery at first portrays an egotistical middle aged man, such a s his inurbane behaviour when he scowled with violent distaste. This works in revealing the major change of Eisenbart, in comparing the self-righteous man at the give-up the ghost of the poem, to the awkward and confused man at the end. The imagery used to describe the titian haired girl is also evocative, especially when comparing her supposed insignificance in contrast to Eisenbart, and the usurp she has on him. She seems to be nothing but a cheeky, though attractive, schoolgirl one girl sat grinning.This thought of her insignificance is reinforced when she winked at nearby friends, possibly reinforcing to Eisenbart her immaturity that was earlier established through her audacious behaviour during the opening prayer. However, Eisenbart was flung from his calm age and power merely by a touch of this immature schoolgirl, indicating a change. This change in the girls attitude is reinforced when she changed her casual schoolgirls for a masters air, indicating the power that she has that Eisenbart has not notice thus far.In the text Sky-High by Hannah Robert, the concept of Changing Self is analysed and emphasized through retrospect, apt imagery, and change of language. The best climbing point indicates the experiences of a child and their joy in everything no matter how small. However, the responsibility in the statement it is unlikely the washing line could support me divulges that the someonea is promptly more responsible, and, it is discovered, also older, revealing a physical change of self. The comparisons in the final stanza show the insight that the fibre now has as seen in I was once the curious onlooker, I now write my own semaphore secrets in colourful t-shirts. It also shows, however, that no matter how much a person changes, that he or she is still the same person, and that they still retain what they were before.The metaphors used in The Glass Jar, and the way in which they are developed and often exaggerated, shows and typifies the change of self that is experienced by the persona, so that greater audiences may understand the experiences of a small child. Only a small child could imagine an quotidian glass jar as a monstrance in which the sun could be caught for the night. This vision of the holy commonplace of field and flower coming to excuse the boy is lost when he awakes from his nightmares. The religious metaphor is now lost except for the mocking image of the resurrected sun in the final stanza. The inversion of the prevalent use of adjectives shows the confusion associated with the change of self for the persona, such as the malignant ballet.The novel White Teeth, by Zadie Smith, develops the concept of Changing Self with a long and somewhat inconsistent chronology. All the characters in this novel, which reaches from World War Two to the end of the century, obviously change physically due to this long chronology. However, the retrospect as to how much the characters have changed in other ways is far more pot ent because of the extensive chronology. The comparison, for example, Josh Chalfen turning away from his family and becoming less(prenominal) of a nerd he was the kind of guy who could measure an eighth with his eyes closed (so fuck you, Millat). The original focus of the book on Archie Jones beguiles the ratifier into thinking that he is the main focus for the book. However, Archie servesmerely as a connection between all the original characters.From these characters the Jones, Iqbal, Chalfen and Bowden families and their stories emerge, and all the adults, in the end, only accentuate the changes that the children (Irie, Millat, Magid, and Josh) undergo, that is, comparing where the children have ended up to what their parents expected of them. The later and extended focus of the novel on Millat Iqbal, who changes in the most radical way appear of all the characters, hides the slow and, in the sense that Millat changes, insignificant changes of Irie Jones, but her changes are mo re symbolic and emotional. The removal of Magid from the story means that his change of self seems sudden, because the persona is taken away at the age of nine years and only returned at the age of seventeen.In the texts Prize-Giving and The Glass Jar by Gwen Harwood, Sky-High by Hannah Robert, and White Teeth by Zadie Smith, ideas and techniques are flaunted in terms of how they are used to display the change of self in the personas. The numerous ideas used in each of the texts, often overlapping to be used in more than one text show the skill of the composers and their flexibility in applying various techniques.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Nursing and Health Care Foundations
Identify one area of nursing research that has improved patient outcomes. State the study and its stupor on patient dole out. How have these findings changed your nursing enforce? The American Association of Colleges of care for , believes that education has a major impact on the knowledge and competencies of the shield clinician. AACN helps employers to get benefit on the education and experience provided by the contrastive educational programs leading to the registered nurse description by using these nurses in different capacities.BSN graduates bring exceptional skills to their work as nursing clinicians and play an important role in the safe patient care. Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania order that surgical patients in Magnet hospitals had 14% lower chances of inpatient death within 30 days and 12% lower chances of failure-to-rescue compared with patients cared for in non-Magnet hospitals. These study states that these effects were creditedin large slice to investments in highly qualified and educated nurses.You can read also Coronary Artery Disease Nursing Care PlanStudies have also found that baccalaureate nurses have stronger communication and problem solving skills and a higher ability to make nursing diagnoses and for nursing interventions. The federal government, the military, nurse executives, health care foundations, nursing organizations, and practice settings recognize the exceptional value of baccalaureate-prepared nurses and advocate for an increase in the number of BSN nurses across clinical settings. Nurses with Bachelor of Science in Nursing degrees are well organized to meet the demands placed on todays nurse.BSN nurses are valued for their expertise in critical thinking, leadership, case management, and health promotion, and for their ability to practice in inpatient and outpatient settings. Nurse executives, federal agencies, the military, leading nursing organizations, health care foundations, magnet hospitals, and minority nurse advocacy groups all accept the grotesque value that baccalaureate-prepared nurses bring to the practice setting. Reference The Impact of Education on Nursing Practice (2008). Retrieved from The American Association of Colleges of Nursing http//www. aacn. nche. edu/media-relations/Fact-sheets/impact-of-education
Friday, May 24, 2019
Restrictions on Imports of Agricultural/Horticultural Products into the UK:
Agriculture, horticulture and fisheries sector constitute a vital part of the economy of the landed estate of UK. Contributing .6.6 billion in a year to the economy and employing more than half a million sight, farming(a) sector is predominant in the increment of the UK economy.In the recent years economic, environmental and consumer pressures lease a very strong influence in the development of these sectors of the economy. The key consumer drivers of bucolic and horticultural sectors have been place as the rising prices and the growing demand for the organic products.In spite of consumer resistances, Genetic-Modification technologies are also taking active part in the development of new varieties of products. that the sector remains one of the most regulated in the UK and also internationally.There have been numerous here and now restrictions including licenses and duties to control the movement of agricultural and horticultural products into the UK.This written report brin gs out a short report on the prevailing regulations on the imports, reasons for such regulatory measures and the possible ways of overcoming such restrictions to boost up the import of agricultural and horticultural commodities.2.0 Restrictions on the Import of Agricultural and Horticultural Products into UKAccording to the web page of Business Link, there are no restrictions for importing agricultural and horticultural products from any early(a) member countries of the European Union, however subject to the payment of applicable VAT and Excise duties.For importing these products from other countries it is necessary to coincide with the import licensing requirements and common customs tariff of the EU.2.1 Import LicensesImport restrictions on the Agricultural and Horticultural products are exercised through the import licenses. The import licenses may be product-specific or trade-specific. Detailed and exhaustive provisions have been made for the standards to be maintained in fin d of different products.Similar provisions have been made for imports to be supported by applicable certificates, licenses and other documentary requirements. In addition to the requirements of certificates and other documents, quantitative restrictions and anti dumping duties have been imposed in respect of the import of certain commodities.Department of Trade and Industry is the regulatory authority governing the imports.The plants which carry a high risk of serious pests or diseases require a plant passport to move the products within the EU. Another requirement is the production of a phytosanitary certificate for the import of plant products from outside the EU.The imports of Agricultural products form nations other than the members of the EU countries are governed by the Common Agricultural Policy. The products covered under the policy require a CAP import license and other items call for to be covered by a tariff rate quota depending on the origin of the respective goods.In o rder to ensure that the wood used for packaging of the agricultural products are treated to the international standards and also to prevent the pest infestation and diseases the shipments of the products packaged in wood containers also need a phytosanitary certificate.3.0 Reasons for Restriction on ImportsSevere restriction have been imposed on the import of agricultural and horticultural products in to UK mainly with a view to ensuring the health and safety of the people of the country as these products are susceptible to contaminations and may cause the passing of multifarious diseases.Besides the heath and safety there are other reasons also which assign to these stringent measures of import restrictions and control. They areTo maintain the quality of the products entering the country so that they meet with the domestic business standards prescribed for the agricultural and other products. To have a very tight control on the quantity of the agricultural and horticultural produc ts entering the country. These are in addition to the qualitative restrictions. This is mainly to protect the domestic agricultural sector as it contributes heavily to the economy of the country To ensure that the ultimate consumers get the commodities with adequate quality standards and sub standard pay off is not dumped into the country To maintain the rules and regulations in conformity with those of the other countries of the world with whom UK has bilateral trade agreements or other understandings To impose an effective control on the packaging of the goods so that the goods are delivered to the ultimate consumers in a perfect shape and quality in such a way that the consumer gets the maximum for what he is paying
Thursday, May 23, 2019
How Television Has Impacted Technology Essay
telly was introduced in 1949 but very few the great unwashed had it because it was extremely expensive. The only channels people could watch were NBC and CBS. Television became increasingly popular because it was entertainment without going and sitting in the movie theaters. As TV became more popular, it became more affordable. People would hear about telecasting through word of mouth, news, radio and newspaper. Everybody liked the idea of being entertained and staying at home. By the 1960s some families has TV sets in their living rooms, depending on if they liked being entertained at home.Television in the united States has grown year after year and has made a big impression on American culture in some ways. TV has gon a big part in violence in society, the news, how people be stereotyped, childhood corpulency, family values, social interaction, and so much more. In my scene one of the biggest impacts that telecasting has had on American culture is childhood obesity. Ob esity is considered a number of malnutrition in which food energy is stored as fat collectable to being unused. Child obesity is bred within the home and the television is a major indorser to it.The energy we consume from food needs to be used up by the body on a daily basis through physiologic exertion. An corpulence child devoting a major portion of time to watching television is at risk to fair obese. Television is certainly a subscriber to that obesity. Kids these days be getting bigger and bigger, turn television shows are growing and growing. To me, that is a big issue and television affects it a lot. Back in the day children enjoyed going outside to process, getting touch on in sports or just anything outdoors. I feel like as of today there are now only about a quarter of the kids that enjoy doing outdoors stuff like that.The other 75% of kids choose to stay inside because most likely there favorite TV show is on or there is a movie that they just rescue to watch . Those kids are losing their time to play outside and mainly burn and lose calories because they are just sitting there watching TV for hours and hours. Obesity is known to be one of the major health concerns among both children and adults in the United States today. It is suggested by certain groups that children should not watch more than two hours of television a day. This in my opinion is already too much because that is where childhood obesity completely gets started. The average child n the United States regularly watches between 2-3 hours of television a day and many children now days have their own television set in their bedroom. Not only are children inactive while they are watching television, they oftentimes snack on unhealthy food choices. And like I said, establishing unhealthy food habits as a child can often stay put into adulthood. Investigators have hypothesized that television viewing causes obesity by one or more of three mechanisms (1) displacement of physi cal activity, (2) increased calorie employment while watching or caused by the effects of advertising, and (3) reduced resting metabolism.The kin between television viewing and obesity has been examined in a relatively rotund number of cross-sectional epidemiologic studies but few longitudinal studies. Many of these studies have found relatively weak, positive associations, but others have found no associations or mixed results however, the weak and variable associations found in these studies may be the result of limitations in measurement. Even studies for minify the amount of television dream have been completed.They do not test reducing television time directly, but the results that they get may help to reduce the amount of risk for obesity or help promote weight loss in obese children. An experimental study was designed specifically to test directly the causal relationship between television viewing behaviors and body fatness. The results of this randomized, controlled tri al provide evidence that television viewing is a cause of increased body fatness and that reducing television viewing is a promising st calculategy for pr chargeting childhood obesity. I really think parents need to take a stand to their children by restricting the amount of time they spend in front of the television, before it gets too late and they have an obese child. Removing televisions from childrens bedrooms and putting time limits on the TV may be a well(p) way for parents to reduce the risk of obesity in children. Parents must serve as role models because their television viewing habits influence their childrens. Parents should also limit the frequency of television viewing. Overweight and obese children need to be encouraged to do more physical activity much(prenominal) as walking, playing and limiting their television time.Children may also need structured physical activity times to divert them away from television. Although the increase in childhood obesity is not cau sed solely by television watching, Dr. Reginald Washington points out in the editorial that accompanies the articles, Society, as a whole, must realize that to in effect control and prevent this obesity epidemic, all risk factors must simultaneously be reduced. A study by the University of Liverpool psychologists has shown that it is to be true that obese and overweight children increase their food intake by more than 100% after watching food drivements on television.Children all over the world are undefendable to a huge number of TV advertisements, primarily for fast foods and sweets. Some say that it is not the amount of TV it is the number of junk food commercials that advertise unhealthy foods and constantly play over and over. It is miserable that people blame television as a result to childhood obesity but the United States is starting to get very lazy when it comes to facts like this, therefore I truly believe TV is one of the dominate reasons of why children are becoming obese. I feel like this impact has been mainly negative on American culture.Television advertisers get talked down to by research groups, wanting them to take away all the unhealthy food commercials. Childhood obesity coming from television watchers makes American culture look very bad. When you find out that all it takes is television sets in a kids bedroom and high-quality shows that make children sit, stare and snack to become obese. It really puts a depressing look on America. In my opinion it is a very negative result because it used to not be this way at all. The parents and children put themselves in the situation to becoming obese and television just is an excuse for whenever they actually are obese.I know I will never let my children or close friends get this way due to excess amount of television watching. I have time to watch all my shows I like during the day and still get a good exercise in. I believe that all people can watch their weight and not become obese if they really try. So I really hope the culture changes and fix its look on television with obesity. I do believe that the internet will be used more wisely than television as a medium for delivering content. Television is an older and dull way of showing and sharing shows, movies and advertisements, while now days the nternet can do the same plus a whole lot more. Internet is a lot easier to get to because so many people have smart phones or laptops to be able to quickly access it. I feel like even now I start to see more and more people of all ages on their laptop/computer/smart phone rather than sitting down and watching television shows. Internet is a new (compared to TV) and socialise way to access World Wide Web. News and broadcast stations are all starting to put their information and ideas on the internet even before they send them to television.While putting the internet into question about my topic, as much as I hate seeing younger kids mellow around with their own smart phone and/or laptop, it would really help society. Internet will help a lot more in this situation because children that do have smart phones will be able to play outside and exercise with their phone in hand. If the kids do go outside while on their phone it will stop them from sitting in front of a television set, sitting, staring and snacking. Therefore, it will lower the childhood obesity rate in the United States.Childhood obesity is a very heartbreaking yet occurring thing that television influenced and started in the U. S. It has been a very big impact on television and American Culture. After all, we are all hoping and praying that parents help their children get back to how it was back in the day. Have the children exercising, playing outside, and getting involved in sports that way they only spend approximately one hour watching television. We have to lower the childhood obesity rate and will continue to try and stop every way that is involved in it.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Australian Tariffs
Should Australia reintroduce tarffs for the car industry? Australias self-propelled Industry Is a significant contributor and major employer to the case economy. But the economy Is In crlsls. The greatest problem for the automotive industry is the mindset of the cabinets. Cabinets became downright apoplectic and argue that tax payers should not support a failing industry, and they vehemently combat the automotive industry policy as a matter of principle. The truth is, Australia cannot afford losing its car industry.Several academic investigations have been conducted rough how this industry contributes to national economy, and he answer couldnt be cle arr It would cost Australia more losing Its automotive Industry rather than supporting It so It can grow gruelling again. Instead of being a dead weight to Australian economy, the automotive industry is a great contributor to it. The Abbot cabinet shouldnt burden this hurt industry with dutys that will ultimately lead it to its doom instead, it should invest more in it, understanding its real value and accepting that it hasnt received enough attention.The organization focuses more on primary production, want cattle, mining or grains little Is left for ransforming Industries Ilke the automotive one. Australia should Improve what It has to offer to Investors, since Its facing a hard rivalry from other countries. If the automotive industry were to collapse, its clear that other industries would follow it as well. Can you give examples of current tarffs, subsidies or quotas applied by the Australian organisation? Do you agree with the Imposition of these tarffs, subsidies and quotas? Australia applies several taxs on a wide variety of trading goods.For example Instruments, weapons and manufactured articles have a 1% tariff dairy roduce, natural honey, birds eggs and other edible products of animal origin that arent specified elsewhere (in the tariff establishment table) have a 0. 17% tariff glass and glasswa re have a 2. 8125% tariff. Still, most Australias customs and tariffs are lower than the global average. Regarding subsidies, the Australian government applies rates on several ambits, like home care, oxygen and enteral feeding or residential respite and this Is only about healthcare.To be honest, Australia has a balanced taxing system, with rates that are internationally lower than other countries ates besides, there exists a real need for a tax system for the government to have enough resources to ensure a decent lifestyle for its citizens and to provide them with the basic human needs. Leaving aside rates like those meant to regulate industries like the automotive one, it seems that Australia has a fair economical system, not meant for crippling the citizens economy, but rather to ensure that all the peoples resources paid In the form In taxes contribute to the general wellbeing.Who do you think are the winners / losers from such protectionist measures? Ultimately, the citizens are the most benefited or prejudiced by these taxes and subsidies. As it has been said before, Australias rates and tariffs are significantly lower wnen compared to tnose tnat otner countrles apply ana tne Income tnat results from these said payments should be applied on new infrastructure, on attending the peoples needs, and on ensuring that unforeseen disasters will be properly faced and answered.This is the ideal system of taxing and applying tariffs for the countrys notes to serve the countrys needs. Still, applying additional taxes to ndustries or basic services is often unfair, especially when those new rates are derived from political affairs taking the example of the automotive industry, it seems more of a political movement than an economy issue.Thus, applying this kind of taxes only results in weakening the overall economy, which will result in affecting the citizens in general. Nothing good can come from crippling the economic system of a country by attacking the princi pal sectors that contribute to it it can be said that Australia is attacking itself when it aims to weigh new taxes on an industry that should be saved instead of being combatted.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Class Discussion Wills and trusts Essay
What consequences might there be if a provides custodian fails to wring the will over to the probate court after the decedents death? If a wills custodian fails to turn the will over to the probate court after the decedents death, the court may compel the custodian to produce the will this is if requested by the potential beneficiaries of the will, and if the custodian fails to produce the will, he or she may be subject to criminal charges (Herskowitz, 2014). When would a personal representative have to institute an supportive jurisdiction proceeding? A personal representative would have to institute an ancillary jurisdiction proceeding if the decedent owned, at the time of death, real shoes in a jurisdiction from the jurisdiction they lived in.This is required because other jurisdictions atomic number 18 not allowed to make distribution decisions about real property outside of their jurisdiction. The mathematical function is to transfer the title of the real property to the ju risdiction the trustor lived in to keep the estate together. (Herskowitz, 2014). What steps might have to be undertaken to find the will of a decedent? To find the will the steps the family of the deceased should take are 1. look to the decedents home and office first (ie dresser drawers, file cabinets, desk drawers, closets, the refrigerator, the freezer, books, under mattresses, and the attic) 2. Search the safety deposit box if one exists.3. The family can also check with all family members, an attorney or family friend that may have the will. (Herskowitz, 2014). What steps are required to prove a lost will?The person contending that the original will was lost must present a copy of the will, a make of the wills execution and validity, by either, producing witnesses who will authenticate that the copy is a true and correct copy of the will or, a self-proving affidavit at the end of the will to the probate court. (Herskowitz, 2014).SourcesHerkowitz, S. D. (2014). Wills, Trusts, and Estates Administration, 4th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ Prentice Hall.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Why market prices are useful to a financial manager?
The reason wherefore a fiscal manager is establish is for them to be able to answer investment decisions, make support decisions, and manage cash flow from operating activities. With that establish is clear that in order to understand the forward motion that the manager is going to approach, is necessary to training, understand, and develop the market taking into consideration the needs of the participation. If he financial manager does not study the market prices, he will not be able to bring in a good sales strategy that will give the company a profitable harvest-home development.Discuss how the Valuation Principle helps a financial manager make decisions. First what the Valuation Principle does, is that it shows how to make the cost and benefits of a decision comparable so we can weight them properly. This principle is the one that the Financial Manager will be able to use to make a better decision of the study of the market based on the market protect and the needs of t he company.Describe how the Net Present Value is associate to cost-benefit analysis. The Net Present Value is the base of the cost-benefit analysis, the reason for this is that the NPV is the difference between costs and benefits, and this NVP is what determine the outcome of a cost-benefit analysis and what direction this Manager and the Company is going to take in that project in which they did the analysis. Explain how an interest rate is just a price.When we use interest rate is based on a future price, an example is that if you have $100 in a bank for one social class at 6% interest rate, in a year you will have $106. The present value of your currency is $100 but in a year that same $100 is worth $106, why because is just a price given to your money in the future. Describe how a bond is alike(p) a loan. In definition the bond is a security sold by governments and corporations to raise money from investors today in exchange for a promised future payment.So yes is like a lo an made to the company or government, the reason for this is to give opportunity to make money in both sides, one the borrower is acquiring an opportunity to have the income to move forward with projects or products that will generate more income. In the other side we have the investors that gave the money for this project to develop and have the chance to increase their investment done this bond.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
International Integration
planetary Integration Introduction The current process of argonna- wide of the mark consolidation is often referred to as globoseization. An organization c exclusivelyed the retrovert in Nations (UN) is specific ever soy last(predicate)y important as it is contributing to this process by creating a possibility for its elements to discuss problems, initiatives and much much. Almost all deposits ar its members and d genius that an important environment is created for forbiddenside(a) integration. The drumhead this article tries to answer is Is multinational integration an improvement or dis avail for domain of a function pacification? .An answer is tried to be found through the exploration of the process of globalization, its link to the UN and the current conflict in Syria. The gaucherie study of the current conflict in Syria explores how the UN clears in certain flecks and the problems it faces for acting on an transnational level. It will be enjoymentd a s an example to find an answer to the main question. As the UN is almost an frequent organization it is the terrain for end little handling among its members who all have certain interests. But its participatory character may non be truly valid as certain actors have more than ply than separate(a)s, influencing the process of equal input. manhood-wide integration and its features be constantly developing and as will be describe the process has multiple consequences, despotic and nix ones. globalization Modern nine anno 2012 could be described as an interconnected world where study is sh bed at a rapid pace through various channels as internet, idiot box and tele chats. Mankind has evolved a curiosity in everything that communicates around him. right a centering it is possible to acquire the latest modernisticsworthiness by a single mouse click and we are excited to share even the slightest happenings through our personal domains such as Facebook and Twitter.A g lobal network of intelligence arose with the development of modern twenty-four hours communication re radicals, one of the reasons for the process of globalization (Jeffery, 2002). The general lowstanding of the process of globalization is the increasing global integration of the world caused by mass trade and cultural ex alter (Fincle & Govale, 2012). Although opinions also seem to differ around the compresseding of the concept it is by and large accepted that it is concerned with the growing scope, speed and lastingness of interconnectedness global (Goldstein & Pevehouse, 2011).Reasons proven for globalization are freedom of trade, improvements of transportation, labor wages and skills and improvement of communication re beginnings (Fincle & Govale, 2012). globalization has resulted in increased multinational trade, multinational corporations, faster and better accessibility of in jumpation, freer movement of persons and a greater colony on the world economical syste m. Opponents of globalization see an expanding gap betwixt the rich and the poor, as wealthy acress poop out human and natural resources from less developed countries for unfair compensations (Jeffery, 2002).Several indicators for globalization have been developed over the bear decades, relevant are their variables and data they use. One of the initiatory indicators designed and one that is used as reference work for m some(prenominal) opposites is the Kearney/FP index which is supported by a database (Lombaerde & Iapadre, 2007). It declares into account the economic integration in the world economy, the extent of international political engagement, the internationalization of personal contacts of citizens and the use of internet technology. (Lombaerde & Iapadre, 2007, p. 3).The Modified Globalization Index, by Martens and Zywietz, includes these four variables and adds a nonher two the involvement of a countrys war machine-industrial complex with the rest of the world, and the intensity of globalization in the ecological domain. (Lombaerde & Iapadre, 2007,p. 4) Their definition of globalization is the intensification of cross-national cultural, economic, political, social and expert interactions that lead to the establishment of transnational buildings and the global integration of cultural, economic, environmental, olitical and social processes on global, supranational, national, regional and local levels. (Lombaerde & Iapadre, 2007,p. 4). A nonher is the Dreher globalization index that builds on the Kearney/FP index and emphasizes on information flows and international integration through economic policy development. An otherwise rendering of globalization is found in the work of Gibbens, who seems to agree that globalization is a process of cultural, political and frugal integration of nation states throughout the globe (Giddens, 2000).Ritzer(2004) introduces, actually prefers, the use of the line grobalization, since he focuses on the imperialistic character of nations and transnational corporations. He pinpoints the will to integrate internationally by those who have the resources required. unknown integration is a worldwide process with consequences. The process is steered by blackjacks and it is important to mention that these nips are not shared equally across the world but rather are directed from a centre (Iadicola, 2008). Nowadays the United States of America is in this centre of a so-callight-emitting diode global pudding stone.It has the most knead on international organizations and the determination of integration on political, economical and societal levels among nation states (Iadicola, 2008). Iadicola(2008)researched this power centre empire idea. A passage concerned with globalization states that globalization is in part a product of the power of empires as a result of conquest and trade and immigration creating patterns of cultural diffusion. (Iadicola, 2008, p. 2-3). Globalization started long ago and it intensified during the colonial era.Yet, without delayadays it seems globalization has increased in speed and reach as could be explained by the intense growth communication subject matter, with internet as key feature. The empire has play a sufficient role in the distribution of capital flows, trade and economic partnership. Integrating more and more states into the world economy does not mean that wealth is equally divided among them, as Iadicola(2008) describes the structure of international flows of income, investments, and royalty payments today does not correspond to any notion of an interdependent world that is mutually benefiting from these flows.In contrast, extraordinary concentration and unidirectional flows to wards imperial-establish corporations dominates the process of globalization . (Iadicola, 2008). pudding stones have heady the forces of globalization for ages, The British Empire is a bloom example of how trade was used to connect multiple continents. But also the Greek, Ottoman and the European empires as the Portuguese, Spanish and Dutch were all twisty in international integration as they claimed overseas territories in the form of colonies and motivated international trade(Iadicola, 2008).Maier(2005)sees the empire as a major, leading actor in international integration. The forces needed to influence globalization are found at this actor. Empires are organized by and for those who in the starting signal ship control resources and production and not by those who work for it, as the empire has a class ideology(Maier, 2005). The empire has four essential features that relate to its influence or brainwave of those dominated by it. These features croup be seen as globalization forces, used to gain more wealth, power and increased global cultures.It uses military-, economic-, cultural- and political penetration and integration. The USA has used these substance with increasing intensity over the last decades to ex pand their interest (Iadicola, 2008). Globalization throw out be seen as international integration at multiple levels. Its intensification over the last decades can be attributed to modern and faster representations of communication, increased global trade and the need of the empire for expanding its power. Yet, on that point is more to describe that will help to discover its limitations, overall developments and influence.Relevant for the increasing international integration is international law. international law can be seen a system of principles, rules, concepts and norms for governing and managing relations among states, inter organisational organizations(IGO), non political organizations(NGO), individuals and some(prenominal) other actors in globalization. transnational laws main sources of knowledgeability are custom and treaties(conventions). Customary international law can be seen as law that a make grows from certain, comm merely practiced actions by states. An exa mple is the immunity diplomats enjoy in foreign countries.Custom will most of the metre be formalized into a capital of bran-new Hampshire, the most important source of international law (Scott, 2010). These laws are created to rise expectations, create stability among states and determine how states should interact on international level as well as national. Although states enjoy sovereignty, they are restrained when certain agreements are do between states and adaptation of domestic policy capability be required and is some generation urgent (Shaw, 2008). global law is created by states, IGOs and NGOs and it is made for them.The creation of international law is an outcome of international integration where states work together to set boundaries, create rules and determine what is important. Through international law it travels clear that globalization influences all involved and will have consequences. The UN is the major actor that creates the environment for the adapta tion of international law, what will arrest clear later in the article. As mentioned, treaties are the main source of international law. It is an agreement that licitly binds parties on a lower floor international law (Scott, 2010).thither are bilateral, two parties involved, and three-party treaties in where three or more parties participate. The focus on international integration makes it relevant to research multilateral treaties. A multilateral treaty is the culmination of what may have been a long political process. Once the treaty document is in place it provides the central focus for the continuation of the political process that, together with the treaty itself, can now be referred to as a political science. a pattern of cooperation (Scott, 2010, p. 161-163). According to Krasner(1983) a governance is principles, norms, rules and decision-making processes around which actor expectations come across in a given issue area. (Scott, 2010, p. 163). The described passage provides a reasonable idea of what a regime in international law is. To establish a regime several factors or processes are involved. The first process is that of there being an issue of importance that concerns three or more states(Scott, 2010). There is a need to manage a common problem. It incites the process of international integration. This need will be generated by negotiations, the second process.It is in this phase that states or certain parties have the possibility to define, prioritize and recommend. Negotiations happen between states, but also between IGOs and NGOs who are able-bodied of putting certain issues on the schedule of states, such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(Scott, 2010). During the negotiations parties are able to hear each other out, trade information or make proposals. The very existence of a novelty of parties makes it tantalizing to calculate that there are many issues that need attention, much negotiations happen and that there are an enormous sum up of multilateral treaties.The last part is a fact, a solid proof of an interconnected world, where cooperation is extensively exercised. Yet, the grade of an issue depends on by who it is move overed. As mentioned before, globalization seems to be steered by an empire and especially from its centre. Scott(2010) does not mention empire, but he uses a different term, hegemon. The theory of hegemonic stability suggests, most basically, that a regime emerges when a hegemon-a state with preponderant power- regards such a regime as being in its topper interests.The United States has been a world hegemon since introduction War II. (Scott, 2010, p. 165). A hegemon is a super power who is capable of exercising positive leadership and is capable of making others accept its preferences. Short term costs are seen as a possibility when the hegemon regards the regime to be useful and will pay off in the long run. Phase three and four are closely related. In the event of a conference all parties, or its delegations are presented the basic draft of the treaty in where an issue is tried to be managed.Proposals of laws, measures to be topn or cooperation to be achieved are presented and discussed during the conference which will result in a final draft on which all parties agree. Phase four is adoption and ratification of the final draft, lawfully binding all parties. A regime is established. Globalization is for a large part achieved through treaty making, where parties work together to find solutions, create plans for development and control processes. Besides states working together, individuals can influence its process by creating take, address problems and inform.The modern means of communication have increased the connectivity between society and those in power as international integration is increasing on all levels. Some multilateral treaties establish an international organization that is concerned with the provisions the treaty entails . The United Nations The most known international organization, made up of states, is the United Nations(UN). It was established via the UN charter, a multilateral treaty, stating its goals, functionings, means and measures and much more on how all participants were to act. It started with 51 member states and it has 193 nowadays.The UN is an organization that reaches all over the globe and it is possible for every member to address a problem during certain occasions(Scott,2008). The UN is as it were an umbrella organization, it established many others to carry out what was agreed upon in the UN charter. The UN has so many organizations that it practically is involved all over the world with all kinds of problems on economical, social and conflict matters(Scott, 2008). The UN charter is made of several articles, divided in chapters, paragraphs and subparagraphs. It is an immense agreement on how states should interact, develop, help and much more.The first article states the UNs ma in purpose on which it was founded after World War II. Article 1 The Purposes of the United Nations are 1. To maintain international peace and trade protection, and to that end to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the crushing of acts of aggression or other intermissiones of the peace, and to bring near by peaceful means, and in conformity with the principles of justice and international law, adjustment or settlement of international disputes or situations which might lead to a breach of the peace . To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen global peace 3. To achieve international co-operation in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian character, and in promoting and back up respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for al l without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion and 4. To be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations in the attainment of these common ends. (UN, 1945) International peace and security, global peace and security, a global purpose which states that all members should help to solve and prevent problems as peacefully as possible. By write the UN Charter a state will become part of an extensive network of rules and procedures which it has to embrace, which have been determined by them and others. The UN has increased its influence due to the creation of an environment for treaty making. Over time the UN has become the worlds most important organization for international integration by motive states to solve problems.Its power has be justified by its members and the agreements between them (Schooyans, 2001). The major organs of the UN are the protection Council, the International Court of Justice, the economic and Social Council and the General Assembly. For find ing an answer to my question the focus will be on the Security Council. The Security Council is an organ that is most known due to the measures it can take. It is made up out of 5 eonian members and 10 non imperishable members which will be selected by the General Assembly. Its permanent members are China, The United Kingdom, The USA, France and Russia.In chapter V of the Charter articles are defined to state its purpose. Article 24 1. In order to discover prompt and effective action by the United Nations, its Members confer on the Security Council primary tariff for the maintenance of international peace and security, and agree that in carrying out its duties under this responsibility the Security Council acts on their behalf. (UN, 1945). All members should keep the Security Council informed, an obligation to make sure the UN can act if this is required.The five permanent members have a veto right, meaning they can dismiss certain decisions even when they are urgent, generall y accepted and majority voted. According to article 42 and 43 of the UN charter the Security Council is able to utilize measures as economical and political exclusion, named sanctions. If no positive result follows, then it is allowed to use article 43 stating it may take such action by air, sea, or land forces as may be necessary to maintain or restore international peace and security.Such action may include demonstrations, blockade, and other operations by air, sea, or land forces of Members of the United Nations. (UN, 1945). Whenever the Security Council comes to an agreement more or less what measures should be taken it presents a resolution, a formal statement, extensively describing what is to come, how it is to come and who should be involved. A resolution could form the bum for a military interference. A problem that needs attention, according to the Security Council is (article 39).. any threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression (UN, 1945).The S ecurity council has presented multiple resolutions with regards to an act of aggression such as resolution 83 and 84, 1950, to use force to repel the armed attack upon the republic of Korea by forces of North Korea. (Scott,2010, p. 103). The use of force has been formerized through more resolutions regarding, Kuwait, Somalia and Sudan. Looking back at the main question, it might be tempting to say that an organ, with multiple members, working for a safe and secure world is a definite yes. International integration has reached a point where there is a collective choice.A democratically (up till the veto) determined procedure that takes into account agreed norms and values by almost all states. The vision was formed by 51 founding members and today the charter is almost universal. When a decision to interfere, to use force, to discriminate sovereignty, to ensure safety and security is made it becomes clear that this world is so interconnected, that it lets an organization decide ov er life and death. Determining if the use of force is necessary, is not only led by the Security Council, it is allowed to ask help and advice to reach a conclusion.Many international organizations keep track of human rights and they are eager to alarm the security council to act, with sanctions or force, when they bet something needs to be changed. Their expertise and resources make them trustworthy, not only for the Security Council but also for the world population. The increasing interconnectedness of the world makes it possible for these organizations to spread their worries and claims faster than ever before due to technological innovations as the internet, smart phones and global broadcast channels.International integration benefits from these technological innovations as problems become more patent and are spread faster. Communication and cooperation between organizations and states can lead to fast decisions and less damage to those under threat. International interventio ns, approved by the Security council, have increased in numbers since the ending of the a frosty war. The 1990s can be appointed as the decade where most international interventions took place. It is also in this finis that the idea of diplomacy over the use of force blurred.The use of force, military interventions, became a short term solution that would end the suffering of those suppressed. With regards to the twentieth century Afghanistan and Iraq are the most violent interventions so far. after(prenominal) the 9/11 terrorist attack in New-York, the USA promoted and executed the war on terror. This replaced the idea do-nothing interventions for humanitarian and conflict reasons to a new enemy international terrorism and its supporting regimes. The use of strength became a tool to scare off the opponent as well as completely deactivating him.Inner state conflicts that have been addressed increasingly over the past two decades are a relative new symptom for the UN and its Sec urity Council. Shifting from conflicts between states to a state in conflict with itself. The traditional rules for peace keeping did not apply for these kinds of conflicts(Zandee, 2012). International integration reaches to the very integrity of states, as seen with the use of resolutions. not only in cooperative ways, but also in the form of interventions approved through cooperation between states.The link between globalization and the UN is in its cooperative character, where the United Nations provides a ground for discussion, problem solving, initiatives and the creation of rules. The UN promotes development on different levels and multiple fields and it is to be reached through cooperation between its members (Bertucci & Alberti, 2001). In the stratum 2000 the UN Millennium Summit was held for the purpose of the discussion and adaptation of the UN Millennium Declaration. Over 150 world eaders eventually select the declaration, agreeing on the goals it set out to achieve for the upcoming 15 age such as less poverty, better health care and non-violence. Important was the emphasis on better and more efficient cooperation between its members, an increase of international integration. One of the main points made was to make globalization a positive force for all worlds people (Sneyd, 2005). Syria Syria is a state in the middle east neighboring Jordan, Israel, Turkey, Lebanon and Iraq. Its main source of income is the oil- and gas industry and a small sector of tourism can be found at the Mediterranean sea.Syria has had several conflicts over time regarding territory with its neighboring states (Donker & Janssen, 2011). Syrias recent history has been used as one of the many motives for the refuses that arose in the spring of 2011. In 1967 the Syrian political party Baath took power by a coupe, overthrowing the government. After this, in 1970, the Baathist Hafez al-Assad took power in his own hands via a second coupe. He used his military connections, as h e fought in many sections, too establish a fast(a) security force. Hafez al-Assad appointed many relatives and friends to several high governmental and military functions.In the beginning he was not very popular as he originated from a relatively small community of Alawi. Syria houses a variety of subcultures and religious sects and multiple conflicts between them have passed over time. Yet, the majority of Syria supported him for bringing stability to the economy and its inhabitants. This changed over time as Hafez al-Assads regime became more authoritarian and the economy started to fail. In the 1970s uprisings begun, which became more and more violent under the leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood.An example is its sniper campaign targeting the governments representatives. Many inhabitants did not support this way of protesting and the increasing awareness of the Brotherhoods intentions gave way for Hafez al-Assad to act brutally in 1982. This was the final standoff between the I slamists and the regime and it took place in Hama. An estimated number of civilian causalities varies between 5000 to 20000. Hafez al-Assads rule ship was based on terror and showed unrelenting consequences for those trying to destroy it. The media was state controlled and still is in present day (Donker & Janssen, 2011).To gain stability after the uprisings Hafez al-Assad assigned more political positions to other sub group members of Syria. In response to the Brotherhood, any political form of Islam was strictly forbidden. During the late 1980s and 1990s Syria underwent, as many other states due to ending of the cold war, economic liberation. Policies developed actually improved the position of political elites who had the resources to engage in exclusive economic deals. The tension between state, now seen as corrupt, and its society grew. In July 2000 Bashar al-Assad succeeded his father and he has been the leader of Syria ever since.His attitude and means concerned with rulin g Syria do not vary that much from his father societys instance and politics are still not coherent as a small group owns most of the states power as well as economical and military resources. Bashar al-Assads nationalism, clientelism and severe bring downion held up over the years until demonstrate 2011 (Donker & Janssen, 2011). On March 6, 2011, children that were not older than 15 wrote the text the people want the fall of the regime (in Syrian) in the southern city Daraa. The children were arrested and tortured by Syrian security forces.Protests arose in response to this incident, first locally, but it did not take long for the remaining Syrians to participate in nationwide demonstrations. At first uprisings were generally peaceful, as people remembered what happened under his fathers ruler ship. Yet, over time certain protest groups became more violent and separated themselves from the mainstream, but still recalling its support (Donker & Janssen, 2011). Videos posted on You Tube of the arrests spread a wide feeling of anger, among citizens, but also internationally (Times, 2011).Anti governmental movements have been suppressed to underground spheres under the ruler ship of the al-Assads and its police state. Yet, there was an sluttishing for coming out now. Support for protests and coordinated uprisings were now present and several movements tried to gather as much people as possible. Thus, it happened several times that the government controlled media was manipulated to prevent protest progress as when mobile phone networks were shutdown as well as many websites (Zoepf, 2011).The so-called Arab Spring started at the end of December 2010 as a series of protests and demonstrations across several North African and Middle Eastern states, such as in Libya, Egypt, Lebanon, Tunisia and also in March 2011 in Syria (Schippers, 2011). The Arab Spring was mostly led by the voices of youngsters concerned with their future. The feeling of repression, unemployment , corruption and little democratic value triggered many to protest against their current leaders and governments. Many other states were showing symptoms of breaking regimes, motivating Syrians to stop to fight for their cause (Schippers, 2011).The peaceful protests gave way for more violent ones once the government started to repress them with violence. Heavy military resources were used to break up demonstrations as well as targeted assaults on protest group leaders (Schippers, 2011). More and more, images, videos and reports came from Syria and were spread all over the world. The cruel acts of armed government forces towards civilians were portrayed as terroristic, suppressive, inhumane and in violation with international laws (Khalay, 2011). As in other Spring states, governments were not tone ending to settle easy.Violence was commonly used in Egypt and the prime example is Libya where the protests led to a civil war between government and several protest groups. The killing of civilians by a central, repression based government was described as a crime and the international community was to be involved soon (Khalay, 2011). amnesty International is an international organization concerned with human rights. It is mayor player in international integration, as its reports trigger discussion, provoke change and picture current developments.During the Arab Spring, Amnesty International has been highly concerned with the treatment of civilians. Reports about Syria indicate serious human rights violations and the organization is alarming the international community to act to abide these practices. hot attacks harm civilians and there is a lack of primary resources and security. It is a situation that needs to be changed and it needs to be changed fast as these gross violations lead to more causalities every day (Khamis, 2012). International intervention returns to the picture.Up till recent day the inner state conflict Syria is dealing with, is still not r esolved. Thousands of deaths are marking an ongoing civil war which seems not to end on a short throwaway as the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad still enjoys military support(although some soldiers turned over) as well as scarce, nevertheless important public support. The international community, with the UN as main player, has alarmed the Syrian government to demote its activities and has applied multiple sanctions to pressure its movement and resources such as oil export restrictions (Iadtu, 2011).The security council has been involved since the beginning of the cruel acting of the armed government forces. The Arab Spring has been interpreted as a spot of humanitarian crimes, where old repressive regimes are tried to be unmake (Iadtu, 2011). The Security Council approved a military intervention in Libya, bombing governmental buildings, weapons depots and providing resources and manpower to the democratic opposition. The bombings were successful till the extent that they dest royed most of Libyas military force used for repression.Thus, the amount of civilian, unintended, casualties were high. The creation of an integrated democratic governmental structure has shown some progress, but the latest report indicates new instability as power protest groups now claims power and use force to gain this (Nazemroaya, 2012). The Security Council has send negotiators, as Kofi Annan, to Syria to discuss possible diplomatical solutions to end the conflict. Yet, Bashar al-Assad does not want to comply. Its government is also stating that it is fighting terrorist groups and not the entire population of Syria.He refers to groups of protestors that are well armed and are targeting the Syrian government. It accuses the USA and other Western countries of adding the opposition with resources to take out the government. In response to this acquisition the Western society claims the protestors need to defend themselves from ongoing governmental attacks (Cunningham, 2012). The Security Council has suggested a similar intervention as in Libya, thus Russia and China stood in the way as they vetoed this proposal.Russia has been internationally criticized for the ongoing weapon supply to the Syrian government. Battle helicopters have been shipped several times and the USA is the main opponent of this practice as it implies Russia is supporting the al-Assad regime and therefore approving it means on how to settle the conflict. Russia says it is not violating any international laws and that it is providing the helicopters for protection and not for attack (Lathd, 2012) Russia is Syrias biggest arm supplier, it houses the only Russian naval base in the Mediterranean Sea.Syria has quite some Russian inhabitants and the Russian Orthodox church is influential regarding certain accommodations and populations in Syria (Carr, 2012). Besides these interests, other factors play a big role. Russia played its veto card with the statement that it does not want to see a Li bya scenario again. That includes many civilian victims, the rise of radical Islamism and a lot of costs (Carr, 2012). It is stopping the Security Council from taking action in the form of an military intervention.It can also be taken in consideration that Putin faced some severe resistance when he reassigned himself as president and its resulting protests. Supporting another military intervention might give Putin away as a person willing to participate in overthrowing repression led governments, as Russia might be labeled as such with suspicious democratic regulations (Lathd, 2012). The Security Council has not been able to stop the conflict, yet its sanctions are felt more every day. But also these means of conflict suppression are not only inflicting al-Assads government, large parts of the population are facing below middling standards of living.Russia also shares the opinion that Western states are providing resources to destroy the regime (Cunningham, 2012). Cunningham(2012) and Nazemroaya(2012) argue that international interventions are a tool of Western imperialism, modern colonialism. The power of the Security Council and its main members has grown towards a way to change states in such a way that the West will benefit from it, such as open economies ready for more foreign investments. The Western media plays a significant role in portraying situation as cruel and is good at moving the populations emotions and opinions.It tries to unloosen their actions by showing images of killed children, while negative reporting about NATO bombing and the resulted civilian deaths are hard to find. Once violence has started it is important to supply the opponent, in this case the protestors, with arms, so it can be said that the government, when shooting with sharp, is harming civilians. It is important that the media will justify the intervention with help from international organizations such as Amnesty International. The Responsibility 2 Protect has been used u nder the headline humanitarianism to execute violent operations as seen in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya.The Security Council, and the UN, have enormous international powers and are able to decide over death and life. The hegemon plays an important in addressing and executing issues and missions. Much military interventions have led to the destruction of regimes and set boundaries for future development. Syrians are pessimistic about a foreign intervention as some of them still support al-Assad. It is unlikely that Russia will set for a new direction soon, leaving the situation of ongoing civil war to continue (Cunningham, 2012) (Nazemroaya, 2012).Up till present day no military intervention has been undertaken. Constant debate about the use of such a mean slows the power to act and protect down. Syria is under international interest, but the international community has not yet found a way to act and stop the violence. The conflict in Syria provides a better see to it at the problems international integration is facing when debate and veto votes lead to a stop in developing solutions for conflict. The democratic aspect leads to a proper justification of the Security Councils decisions, but it turns against him when there is no cohesion.The consequences are severe, as Syria remains in a civil conflict. Conclusion The answer to the main question revolves around the process of globalization, the United Nations and the current conflict in Syria. International integration has generated an interconnected world, in where more is known then ever before and where states are generating cooperation. The change in communication resources has led to a network of intelligence where one can find and publish almost everything. Accessibility, fluidity and enhancer mark modern times.The United Nations is a prime example of international integration and it will continue to be. Its goals, declarations, treaties and resolutions illustrate the worldwide need for international integ ration and its further development. The UNs power has increased over time and the Security Council is one of the most profound organs to achieve its goals. The validity of the resolutions is determined by the permanent members, powerful actors in the world with more influence than other states. History illustrates interventions as successful means to stop violent conflicts and generate peace.Thus, this should be claimed with care as the current conflict in Syria is not benefitting from international integration. The empire steers the interests of the UN, yet others are able to influence its goals. As the USA is a schoolmaster military-, economical- and political power in the world, its influence has great consequence for international integration. World peace is one of the main goals of the United Nations and the integration of states worldwide has set out several positives achievements. Is international integration an advantage or disadvantage for world peace?The United Nations mo tivate international integration and its goals are clear. It wants to consider wealth, create common interests of concern and stop violent conflicts. If international integration was less intense than it is nowadays, the uprightness of actions by states would be less, possibly provoking new conflicts. The democratic procedures justify the UNs actions and consensus is properly reached. Yet, as the Syria case has shown, it also slows down the process of acting. Overall I would like to answer the question with an advantage.Cooperation leads to efficient utilization of resources as knowledge, money and weapons. It also integrates multiple interests and reflects opinions. The recognition of the UNs goals creates a justifications for its actions and therefore prevents further conflict. If ( almost ) universal goals and means are approved, acting for the sake of world peace will be accepted faster. Bibliography Bertucci, G. , & Alberti, A. (2001). Globalization and the Role of the State Challenges and Perspectives. New York United Nations. Carr, B. (2012, June 25). Syrian Solution Lies in Putins Hands.The Australian , p. 7. Cunningham, F. (2012). how the Arab League Has expire a Tool of Western Imperialism. Global Research. Donker, T. H. , & Janssen, F. (2011). Supporting the Syrian Summer Dynamics of the Uprising and Considerations for International Engagement. The Hague Clingendael Institute. Fincle, P. , & Govale, E. (2012, February 10). Globalisation. Retrieved July 1, 2012, from BBC Bitesize http//www. bbc. co. uk/schools/gcsebitesize/geography/globalisation Giddens, A. (2000). Runaway World How Globalization is Reshaping Our Lives. London Routeledge Taylor and Francis.Goldstein, J. , & Pevehouse, J. (2011). International Relations. London Pearson. Iadicola, P. 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Retrieved June 28, 2012, from www. clingendeal. nl http//www. clingendael. nl/search/results. html? term=Dick+Zandee&start=1&division_id=&target=author Zoepf, K. (2011, April 28). Long Repressed in Syria, an Internal Opposition Takes Shape. The New York Times , p. 12. 1 .Transnational corporations, also called multinational corporations, are corpo rations operating in multiple states all over the world. An example is McDonalds, with restaurants in more than vitamin C countries 2 . Sovereignty is seen as a concept of a state being independent from other states influences. It entails that a certain territory that belongs to a state should not be interfered by another state so that it is free to make its own choices, create laws and determine a governmental form. 3 . In this context the word regime refers to states that are lead by dictators, corruption and unjustified government violence.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
My Room
The w whole is lap colored. on that point are all sort of modern facilities in my inhabit what makes it really comfortable to live. in that respect is a parallel size bed in the left over(p) corner of the get on which is made by wood and it is truly comfortable to sleep on it. on that point is lamp beside my bed and a sofa as well. My manner has got a big window. It looks so beautiful when unprovoked comes through the window in my room during the morning and twilight. in that location is a reading table with control Just under the window.I gravel all of my necessary things for field of honor on this table. I also put my personal computer on it. Beside my table, in that location is a sharp wardrobe where I keep my vesture and valuable things. It has got a big mirror on the cover. There are a good metrical composition of pictures of my family and friends hung on the wall. When I feel depressed, I take a look on these pictures to make my take heed happy and cheerf ul. all told pictures are neatly placed in their proper spots In a collage. My room has got a balcony too.I have a sliding scrap door going out to my balcony. The good deal from my balcony is really amazing. I usually go there forrader the sun set and like to get a line the beauty of nature. I can get together the road oppo depend one of our apartment from the balcony. There is a rocking take in my balcony. It gives me amazing feelings when I sit on my rocking chair and take breath from cool breeze. I always like to keep my room neat and clean. All of these In my room make me very comfortable and relax. I love my room very much.My RoomThe wall is cream colored. There are all sort of modern facilities in my room what makes it very comfortable to live. There is a double size bed in the left corner of the room which is made by wood and it is very comfortable to sleep on it. There is lamp beside my bed and a sofa as well. My room has got a big window. It looks so beautiful when l ight comes through the window in my room during the morning and twilight. There is a reading table with chair Just under the window.I put all of my necessary things for study on this table. I also put my personal computer on it. Beside my table, there is a nice wardrobe where I keep my clothes and valuable things. It has got a big mirror on the cover. There are a good numbers of pictures of my family and friends hung on the wall. When I feel depressed, I take a look on these pictures to make my mind happy and cheerful. All pictures are neatly placed in their proper spots In a collage. My room has got a balcony too.I have a sliding glass door going out to my balcony. The view from my balcony is really amazing. I usually go there before the sun set and like to see the beauty of nature. I can see the road enemy of our apartment from the balcony. There is a rocking chair in my balcony. It gives me amazing feelings when I sit on my rocking chair and take breath from cool breeze. I alway s like to keep my room neat and clean. All of these In my room make me very comfortable and relax. I love my room very much.My RoomThe wall is cream colored. There are all sort of modern facilities in my room what makes it very comfortable to live. There is a double size bed in the left corner of the room which is made by wood and it is very comfortable to sleep on it. There is lamp beside my bed and a sofa as well. My room has got a big window. It looks so beautiful when light comes through the window in my room during the morning and twilight. There is a reading table with chair Just under the window.I put all of my necessary things for study on this table. I also put my personal computer on it. Beside my table, there is a nice wardrobe where I keep my clothes and valuable things. It has got a big mirror on the cover. There are a good numbers of pictures of my family and friends hung on the wall. When I feel depressed, I take a look on these pictures to make my mind happy and chee rful. All pictures are neatly placed in their proper spots In a collage. My room has got a balcony too.I have a sliding glass door going out to my balcony. The view from my balcony is really amazing. I usually go there before the sun set and like to see the beauty of nature. I can see the road opposite of our apartment from the balcony. There is a rocking chair in my balcony. It gives me amazing feelings when I sit on my rocking chair and take breath from cool breeze. I always like to keep my room neat and clean. All of these In my room make me very comfortable and relax. I love my room very much.
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